AAVF Education Department
Vocational training and skill development for the youth and women in Africa to start growing local food sustainably.
Organizing campaigns to spread knowledge about: Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), Urban Agriculture, Organic Farming, Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) and Vertical Farming.
Organizing Agroecology workshops and courses in Africa for young farmers on topics like Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), controlled grazing systems, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), conservation tillage, crop rotation, mulching, cover crops, water use efficiency and soil nutrient management.
Introducing alternative ways of production to smallholder farmers.
Educate farmers about climate change.
Exploring more efficient crops for African food production systems in a changing climate.
Utilizing renewable sources of energy in agriculture through CEA.
Raising environmental awareness through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), environmental modelling, Biodiversity, preserving local seed varieties, Ecological Footprint (EF), carbon sequestration and water quality management.
Academia, Economy and Policy
Presenting modern farming as a tool to galvanise agricultural graduates and smallholder farmers to stay in the industry and help revolutionize it.
Tap into the existing potential of millions of unemployed youth in Africa to produce sustainable food for the continent.
Investigating social and political impacts of developing CEA in Africa, for example on the rate of unemployment, poverty, crime, violent conflict and overall life quality.
Connecting agricultural entrepreneurs in the continent to investors and each other.
Collaborate with local universities to find better solutions to agricultural challenges through Circular Economy, Biotechnology, Precision Farming, land use planning, Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS), Permaculture, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, Aeroponics, Agroforestry and mechanization.
Raising awareness about the importance of bio-economy, food security, food safety, food sovereignty and waste management.
Connect to the influencers, politicians, institutes and universities in the developed world to build a community for indoor farming education in Africa.
Collaborate with universities, non-governmental organizations and governments of African countries to draft localized subsidiary plans for the development of urban agriculture.
Call attention to the importance of food labelling and certifications in Agriculture.