AAVF Project Development
The AAVF is a decentralized, peer-to-peer network that better coordinates the means of food production in Africa’s communities & cities. The goal of the AAVF Project Development team is to work with our network of smallholders farmers, suppliers, market gardeners and innovative urban farmers to get their projects off the ground. By working with individual members on all aspects of their business, we can ensure that the value of what is produced remains local.
How do we do this?
Every project has its own specific set of needs. We are able to provide any or all of the following assistance measures for our members, partners, clients and investors.
Promote project on AAVF platform
Connect project with extensionist services, technological expertise and funding through our existing network.
(If needed) Consult with a project and develop a business profile and strategy
Establish a marketing initiative for brand awareness and develop an online presence (if applicable)
Help secure funds:
Provide successful case studies from existing members as proof of concept
Facilitate access to grant writing services
Connect with investors in worldwide network
Connect farmers to microfinance
Provide on-the-ground guidance: oversee and coordinate business activities
Sustainability benchmarking to be included in yearly AAVF report
Coordinate all aspects of project
Training, education initiatives
Technological implementation
Job creation
Day-to-day operations
AAVF Business and Project Development Team